
Friday, March 31, 2006

Sunshine after the Rain.

After some major turmoil of my own, I'm finally back to normalcy. More or less. Like a bottle of sandy sea, settling down at the bottom.

Still need some time to re-plan and re-organise again.

Really need some detail planning before I get into a big mess of over-expend again, of my energy, emotions and finance.

Perhaps its my PMT again. Pre-Male Tension. Was having some pressure on getting my position before a planned date like today...

Though I didn't hit it.

As least I've tried my best. As usual, do better next time bah.

There's definitely sunshine after the rain, especially these rainy days...

Monday, March 27, 2006

God, I Think I Need a Little Bit of Luck...

Ohaiyo! I feel so sucky these days.

My business hasn't been up to my expectations.

Guessed I'll have to work a little harder and hopefully "more birds, more luck"...

Talking about blogging I realised more and more friends around me are beginning to blog about their lifes too, with the urge to improve themselves to be better persons.

I'm definitely glad to be most of my friends' blog listeners : )

But a word of advise for fellow friend bloggers, not too much negativities in your blogs, not too much whining and complains.

Balance all out I say.

Life can be more happier.

: )

Encourage yourself and encourage your friends!

Monday, March 20, 2006

Leading a Busy Life!

I've been real darn busy tryin to do my business but it just seems to be very littles results as I hoped.

Working late almost every night, having little sleep. I'm becoming like a panda with my black patch around my eyes, occasionally bloodshot eyes...

Still I'm moving on, trying to improve myself, to change my stubborn characteristics and while maintain my subconcious principle of altruism.

So much for being a Spiderman :P

Had a little break going on last Friday watching V for Vendetta with June and Alex and his bunch of former recruits.

On Saturday, I had to go to my mahjong friend, the bridegroom's wedding as his brother for the whole day from morning till night.

In the hot day of 35 degrees, all the tired brothers was with him from Yew Tee to Simei, Simei to Yew Tee, Yew Tee to Simei again and then back to to Yew Tee. At night, we all attended his wedding banquet.

The next day, after my business work, I went to watch movie V for Vendetta (again!) with my cousins Vel and Lynn.

Yes, I'm tired.

But I'm still going to move forward.

I know I needed to improve more!

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Party Time!

Yesterday, just had a serious partying with my clubbing buddy, June, which was also a kind of a belated birthday celebration for her.

Along to party were Alex, Brandon, Chee Keong and Eddie, my BMT pals. Not to mention the couple of other friends, Esther and Thomas.

Mr Azhar, a friend of June whom I met for second time was also there. He's a great businessman.

We all had fun at the partying. I think June definitely had a great night.

I was beaten alot in guessing games with June. I was definitely feeling very high after the punishing drinks.

Argh! Think it'll be her turn to be beaten the next time! There'll be no mercy!

*Headache...* I did have quite a hangover after last night's party.


Was... Down. Then UP!

Today was a new day but had a fuss with Zuo Qi which kinda upset me.

What's with the fuss?

I was reluctant to go and visit her office especially when I'm having a hangover, still sleepy after waking up early in the morning for no good reason and having to crazily go for a run (yah, even when I'm having a hangover).

Having a bit of hangover plus the fact that I really do not know and undertsand Zuo Qi well as a friend, and she's kind of bugging me then made the start of my day like shit.

So I decided to went to a church with Elvin, who was going with his other friends.

I wanted to seek peace at the service which I did not do for a very long time. Though I know I always enjoy church services.

The church service with lots of youth who are younger than me (I was kind of in a wrong age group service I think). The church service held the the Heart of God Church is more like a rock concert in praise of God.

It felt very different from other church services I've been too, but it was never-the-less, great.

I did find peace I wanted after that.

But the best thing of the day was June saying through SMSes that she like my birthday gifts and thanked me.

Wow. And that simple words of thanks gave me simple happiness!

: )

Thank you, my Lord.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Frustrated with Bullshit!

Recently, I'm not particularly happy. I'm also kinda frustrated and my temper is boiling.

What's wrong?

Its the bullshit in camp I face sometimes.

For the past few days, along with my men, we were asked to do sai gang (bullshit work). All these labourous work we're asked to do were all basically none of our business. Its just that it so happen that my sub-unit's ASG (Admin Support Group, or Auxillary Sai Gang I joked) was not doing anything for this week.

So we were all arrowed to do jobs like moving extremely heavy stuff, sweep floors, clean bunks and even throw bulky refuse at the incinerator plant which stinks big time.

All these work, is at another camp. At another camp. Why can't they find people from their own camp? But no choice, orders are orders.

But after these few days of work at our unit's HQ's camp. All the men and specialists felt that they were taken for granted. So all of us were pretty defensive when we were asked to do work, even back in our own camps.

Like yesterday, when we were all told to clean hundred of pistols and rifle weapons, all the men and specialists throw smoke and play punk. I tried to be responsible abit. So In the end, I tried to help my fellow specialist but call a few of my men to do it, and I was prepared to do with them.

But they all gave me all sort of excuses basing on equality and fairness.

But I don't think they understand this. Fairness and equality is rewarded, not asked for. I cannot always balance up this fairness everyday, someone will need to sacrifice abit first and in the end he will be well-rewarded to make it up to him.

That's my way of implemeneting fairness. Or else, no one will do the work we have constantly. People will always be on "strike".

So I had enough. I was boiling. I was going to blow at that time, but in the end I didn't. I went to do the job along with only one of my men.

So that's it. A life of a specialist, a section commander, taking all the unfairness himself in the end. And then when the specialist took it all, he'll most probably have his "revenge" on the men when he got the chance.

This is a vicious cycle, which can be pass dwon from generation to generation.

But sometimes, the men didn't know how to appreciate these tiny little things we do for them. So if they don't get it, we get them and then they hate us. But sorry, we're doing our jobs. We don't earn our 3 stripes for nothing.

So if you think a specialist's job is easy, but it isn't.

Respect the 3 stripes.

Anyway, I'm tired with these kind of bullshit the army's giving me, so I am taking another two days off from today.

So... I had went for some drinks with my clubbing buddy Chee Keong last night at Phuture who had some sort of the R-problem.

But he seems okay to me.

Maybe that's the problem I think.