Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Xiao Long In The House!
Xiao Long and Wendy arrived at my house to stay for the night. Mistress Wendy was worried that doggy Xiao Long could not adapt to the new environment, and also scared that Xiao Long might think she's abandoning him.
So, she came to stay to accompany him for a start, and also, teach me how to take care of him.
Xiao Long was active and excited about my house and along with it, my whole family. Running up and down non-stop. Wendy and I had quite a time entertaining him and teaching him manners, especially when he occasionally likes to "hug and hub" on people's legs.
He didn't pee and poo for the whole time and we were worried how and where he would do it. But by midnight, both Wendy and I were shagged and went early to sleep.
Xiao Long was pretty restless through the night, and woke us up several times.
Woke up at 6am by my dad to clear up a big pee and poo mess at the wrong place.
Though I am a bit tired, luckily I'm still all right.
Xiao Long and Wendy arrived at my house to stay for the night. Mistress Wendy was worried that doggy Xiao Long could not adapt to the new environment, and also scared that Xiao Long might think she's abandoning him.
So, she came to stay to accompany him for a start, and also, teach me how to take care of him.
Xiao Long was active and excited about my house and along with it, my whole family. Running up and down non-stop. Wendy and I had quite a time entertaining him and teaching him manners, especially when he occasionally likes to "hug and hub" on people's legs.
He didn't pee and poo for the whole time and we were worried how and where he would do it. But by midnight, both Wendy and I were shagged and went early to sleep.
Xiao Long was pretty restless through the night, and woke us up several times.
Woke up at 6am by my dad to clear up a big pee and poo mess at the wrong place.
Though I am a bit tired, luckily I'm still all right.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Happy & Busy Weekend!
Finally I got to enjoy my well-deserved weekend break after a whole two weeks of shit.
I'm feeling happy and satisfied with my busy weekend =)
But really, 24 hours is not enough like what Akiko said. So much things to do but so little time. And I'm feeling tired right now. Gonna let the pictures do the talking.
Saturday evening: Went to see Wendy as the emcee and singing performance at Si Ma Lu area. She was initially worried about her first time being emcee, but I think she did quite well. Her singing performance was especially great!

Saturday night: And after that, I went clubbing with the Foodie Club people. There were Sharon, Kenneth, James, Tara, Teck, Deb and Vel. The place is St. James's Power House.

The cause for celebration was that Deb's going to Australia for her studies again, as well as they were celebrating early for Vel's birthday.
And I didn't know they play R&B Hiphop on Saturday night. Usually I thought it was always trance and house music. Anyway, everyone enjoyed the music and drinks.
It feels good to club once in a long while, especially after a hectic period of work.
Saturday morning and afternoon: Sursprisingly after a night of clubbing, I was windsurfing the next morning with my buddy Zhan En.
Feels good to enjoy the sun, sand, sea and the breeze. The morning wind was good and manageable and I did pretty well for the first half. Maybe I was too tired, so my second half of the time, I wasn't sure what I'm doing.
Anyway it was great session, when after that we chat and tanned ourselves a bit.

After the windsurfing session, we headed down to Plaza Singapura. Zhan En shopped for her cosmetics and abit of clothing stuff before we had a quick lunch, buying some delicious French soup from a stall there.
So nice drinking soup in the cold rain. Enjoyable.
Went home for a short nap to prepare myself for the night.
Saturday night: At night, Vel, Gen, Wendy and I met up for dinner at a Chinese restaurant at West Mall where we ordered plenty of good cuisines in celebration for Vel's upcoming birthday. We all had a good chat on almost anything.
We continued our chatting session at a kopi place also at West Mall, where we ordered hot drinks while to continue to talk.
It was a great day =)

Finally I got to enjoy my well-deserved weekend break after a whole two weeks of shit.
I'm feeling happy and satisfied with my busy weekend =)
But really, 24 hours is not enough like what Akiko said. So much things to do but so little time. And I'm feeling tired right now. Gonna let the pictures do the talking.
Saturday evening: Went to see Wendy as the emcee and singing performance at Si Ma Lu area. She was initially worried about her first time being emcee, but I think she did quite well. Her singing performance was especially great!
Wendy on stage singing =)
Signs of Chinese New Year...
Saturday night: And after that, I went clubbing with the Foodie Club people. There were Sharon, Kenneth, James, Tara, Teck, Deb and Vel. The place is St. James's Power House.
Vel and I outside St. James =)
The cause for celebration was that Deb's going to Australia for her studies again, as well as they were celebrating early for Vel's birthday.
And I didn't know they play R&B Hiphop on Saturday night. Usually I thought it was always trance and house music. Anyway, everyone enjoyed the music and drinks.
It feels good to club once in a long while, especially after a hectic period of work.
Saturday morning and afternoon: Sursprisingly after a night of clubbing, I was windsurfing the next morning with my buddy Zhan En.
Feels good to enjoy the sun, sand, sea and the breeze. The morning wind was good and manageable and I did pretty well for the first half. Maybe I was too tired, so my second half of the time, I wasn't sure what I'm doing.
Anyway it was great session, when after that we chat and tanned ourselves a bit.
Why does "Felicia Chin" need to buy her own endorsed products?
After the windsurfing session, we headed down to Plaza Singapura. Zhan En shopped for her cosmetics and abit of clothing stuff before we had a quick lunch, buying some delicious French soup from a stall there.
So nice drinking soup in the cold rain. Enjoyable.
Went home for a short nap to prepare myself for the night.
Saturday night: At night, Vel, Gen, Wendy and I met up for dinner at a Chinese restaurant at West Mall where we ordered plenty of good cuisines in celebration for Vel's upcoming birthday. We all had a good chat on almost anything.
We continued our chatting session at a kopi place also at West Mall, where we ordered hot drinks while to continue to talk.
It was a great day =)
Gen taking photo, so I took her side view.
Wendy and I (both tired).
Friday, January 25, 2008
Beer Break Date
Finally my freelance job is done and I got the money for it, as well as there's more ease on me as my next magazine issue is coming out.
I feel better now. Especially after tendering my resignation.
Went out with BB just now, to have dinner together at Rochor after her violin session. After that she went for a short meeting with her friends for her upcoming singing performance nearby.
While waiting for her carrying her violin, I check out my Chinese Zodiac horoscope reading.
Hope I'm getting more wealth soon like it said, and also be less tmeperamental and less angry. I wanna be happy.
After that, her singing employers drove us to fetch her sis and then we went to her house, to get hthe Hoegarden beer she got from her HK trip. BB also brought her cute and very active doggy, Xiao Long. He's really like a soft toy and he's also very human after listening to BB's story.
Anyway, its just nice to have a chit-chat with beer after a hell of a time at work.
After that, we went for a walk with her dog. Its really nice and enjoyable.
But too bad I'm a little tired and a bit high on just one pint of beer. Too long didn't drink I guess. But still, I hope to go out with BB again. Its great going out with her to relax.
Finally my freelance job is done and I got the money for it, as well as there's more ease on me as my next magazine issue is coming out.
I feel better now. Especially after tendering my resignation.
Went out with BB just now, to have dinner together at Rochor after her violin session. After that she went for a short meeting with her friends for her upcoming singing performance nearby.
While waiting for her carrying her violin, I check out my Chinese Zodiac horoscope reading.
Hope I'm getting more wealth soon like it said, and also be less tmeperamental and less angry. I wanna be happy.
After that, her singing employers drove us to fetch her sis and then we went to her house, to get hthe Hoegarden beer she got from her HK trip. BB also brought her cute and very active doggy, Xiao Long. He's really like a soft toy and he's also very human after listening to BB's story.
Anyway, its just nice to have a chit-chat with beer after a hell of a time at work.
After that, we went for a walk with her dog. Its really nice and enjoyable.
But too bad I'm a little tired and a bit high on just one pint of beer. Too long didn't drink I guess. But still, I hope to go out with BB again. Its great going out with her to relax.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Busy For Peace
Tendering my resignation certainly made me feel better. My bosses call me into office to talk about about me and my career path. I didn't talk about the unhappiness that my boss gave me.
I'm glad they are still concern on where I'm going after my current job and I told them I'm going to do multimedia again. Perhaps, there's still differences between publishing and multimedia.
I talked about what I did, and how my heart and attitude felt when I do my work, which is very much truful. I talk about my work processes. All these was not about me, its about how I can do my job better so I can contribute more.
I don't know how much my boss took in, but everyone agreed my attitude is good and positive. Perhaps this job doesn't suit me anymore due to my boss' ever increasing demand, I just can't take the workload, which doesn't make sense when I'm having time constraints, yet wanted me to improve this at that without considering my workload and my feelings.
I need more time, I need more help. Yet, I'm expected to do most on my own, which is impossible to achieve such perfection. I'm human, not a machine. I design with my feelings being invested into the design. I agree the boss have the authority and that certain experience, but there's a need to communicate for me to learn to improve as well as to achieve the ever-changing demands. Without, nothing can be achieve to the demands exactly.
Bosses have expectations, I also have expectations from bosses as well.
Anyway, even after I officially resigned, I hope I can finish up my latest magazine issue, well enough and pass down my work to the next incoming designer.
But still, I'm just to busy with my dayjob and "night" job.
Tendering my resignation certainly made me feel better. My bosses call me into office to talk about about me and my career path. I didn't talk about the unhappiness that my boss gave me.
I'm glad they are still concern on where I'm going after my current job and I told them I'm going to do multimedia again. Perhaps, there's still differences between publishing and multimedia.
I talked about what I did, and how my heart and attitude felt when I do my work, which is very much truful. I talk about my work processes. All these was not about me, its about how I can do my job better so I can contribute more.
I don't know how much my boss took in, but everyone agreed my attitude is good and positive. Perhaps this job doesn't suit me anymore due to my boss' ever increasing demand, I just can't take the workload, which doesn't make sense when I'm having time constraints, yet wanted me to improve this at that without considering my workload and my feelings.
I need more time, I need more help. Yet, I'm expected to do most on my own, which is impossible to achieve such perfection. I'm human, not a machine. I design with my feelings being invested into the design. I agree the boss have the authority and that certain experience, but there's a need to communicate for me to learn to improve as well as to achieve the ever-changing demands. Without, nothing can be achieve to the demands exactly.
Bosses have expectations, I also have expectations from bosses as well.
Anyway, even after I officially resigned, I hope I can finish up my latest magazine issue, well enough and pass down my work to the next incoming designer.
But still, I'm just to busy with my dayjob and "night" job.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
I Quit You, I Didn't Quit My Work.
I have been working hard these days. After my weekend burn, I was also working on my freelance project. But these past working days at my day job has been tiring as there a lot of work to be done, and in the end I had to stay back to finish as much as I can.
I was also seeing when I can tender my resignation since Sunday. Its not that my boss pissed me off to do that again, but I think its better that I tender before taking my bonus.
If I tender after my bonus, I might be deem a typical undedicated worker to just takes bonus and leave a company. I'm not that kind. Second thing is that, I need to give one-month notice, and I need to leave at end of February to start my new design job.
But fate knows my wish and answer my prayers, somehow..
Like I said, I've been working tirelessly these days, working till late. Today was the same. I worked till 8.30pm and I thought I could finally leave. But my boss suddenly asked me to print all the finished pages for him to make a mock-up and go and check.
During the process, my boss found that I made a mistake on the pagination nubering on some of the pages and got temperamental, again. And then he was angry.
I knew everyone was tired after a day's work. I'm not ready to fight either. But I told him, the pagination document paper, one that helps check and control what page is what article and what page number for it, has been changed several times, and its all messily written with all the changes.
Its like I shifted a whole strech of pages to the back, and then whole strech front again. By changing those, I had to change my file names, and the pages' page numbers. I even did check several times this morning with my lady boss, for fearing there might be error at the back pages of the magazine, and I thought it was all right.
But I was wrong, I missed out the front pages and there were errors I didn't realised.
(And worst, who is the one suppose to be monitoring that pagination document? My boss! And he didn't always update on a fresh new paper, he just write and scribble all over that paper. He finds computing this control check documents a waste of time..)
And so I kanna from my boss.
These days, I've been rushing on many other stuff of the magazine. I don't have time for everything, but I was pretty much doing things steady. The process was slow as there's really alot of work. Especially there is 90% overhaul changes within the last week or so, a waste of productive time.
My boss didn't scold me but he reprimanded me badly. Especially saying that I didn't put in mh heart into my work, which he said several times. That is like stabbing me right in my heart as I knew damn well that I always do my best for my designing work.
But sadly, his ever over-demanding and inappreciation.. no, its not even inappreciation, his depreciation of what he look my character is just unbelieveable both an insult and total disappointment.
He said he tahan all my small bad working ethics of MSNing during work time even I'm just an employee, and said he gave me chance. And even got the cheek to say he's also an employee under his aunt but never dared to fallshort on his effort in growing the company. (Yeh, he made himself like he did a lot, then who did all the ground work?)
As he carried on with his depreciative reprimanding, grieviences just grow overwhelmingly in my heart and I simply teared and cried. It was tears of grieviences.
I didn't broke into anger.
(I gave him enough face that he and my lady boss had a guest around and yet, look at him, he didn't gave mercy in reprimanding me in front of his guest..)
I'm not angry, as I know angry would make me not to do my work well, which is very much against my general principle as I had always wanted to do a good job before I leave this company, to prove that I was never such a lousy worker. That's why I kept on delaying my resignation tender.
But my boss' attitude towards me is just real bad.
After end of his reprimanding, he ask me if I really got that true heart and passion to work with his team (more like his Kingdom) or choose to leave? Maybe he's just too good a boss for me, or even too bad a boss he is to his employee.
(If I'm the second worker leaving the same job, under the kind of same situation as my predecessor deisgner, I doubt he's a good boss at all)
Tired and tearing from grieviences, somewhat glad my ordeal is over, and he ask that good question, I said, "I wanna go".
When they left from the office, with some console from my lady boss and their guestleaving, I finally throw my resignation letter.
After that, I felt freed and relieved. I finally did it.
Thgouht I wasn't happy after that reprimadation even after I did what I wish to, I felt that I'm at peace.
I did the right thing for myself =)
I have been working hard these days. After my weekend burn, I was also working on my freelance project. But these past working days at my day job has been tiring as there a lot of work to be done, and in the end I had to stay back to finish as much as I can.
I was also seeing when I can tender my resignation since Sunday. Its not that my boss pissed me off to do that again, but I think its better that I tender before taking my bonus.
If I tender after my bonus, I might be deem a typical undedicated worker to just takes bonus and leave a company. I'm not that kind. Second thing is that, I need to give one-month notice, and I need to leave at end of February to start my new design job.
But fate knows my wish and answer my prayers, somehow..
Like I said, I've been working tirelessly these days, working till late. Today was the same. I worked till 8.30pm and I thought I could finally leave. But my boss suddenly asked me to print all the finished pages for him to make a mock-up and go and check.
During the process, my boss found that I made a mistake on the pagination nubering on some of the pages and got temperamental, again. And then he was angry.
I knew everyone was tired after a day's work. I'm not ready to fight either. But I told him, the pagination document paper, one that helps check and control what page is what article and what page number for it, has been changed several times, and its all messily written with all the changes.
Its like I shifted a whole strech of pages to the back, and then whole strech front again. By changing those, I had to change my file names, and the pages' page numbers. I even did check several times this morning with my lady boss, for fearing there might be error at the back pages of the magazine, and I thought it was all right.
But I was wrong, I missed out the front pages and there were errors I didn't realised.
(And worst, who is the one suppose to be monitoring that pagination document? My boss! And he didn't always update on a fresh new paper, he just write and scribble all over that paper. He finds computing this control check documents a waste of time..)
And so I kanna from my boss.
These days, I've been rushing on many other stuff of the magazine. I don't have time for everything, but I was pretty much doing things steady. The process was slow as there's really alot of work. Especially there is 90% overhaul changes within the last week or so, a waste of productive time.
My boss didn't scold me but he reprimanded me badly. Especially saying that I didn't put in mh heart into my work, which he said several times. That is like stabbing me right in my heart as I knew damn well that I always do my best for my designing work.
But sadly, his ever over-demanding and inappreciation.. no, its not even inappreciation, his depreciation of what he look my character is just unbelieveable both an insult and total disappointment.
He said he tahan all my small bad working ethics of MSNing during work time even I'm just an employee, and said he gave me chance. And even got the cheek to say he's also an employee under his aunt but never dared to fallshort on his effort in growing the company. (Yeh, he made himself like he did a lot, then who did all the ground work?)
As he carried on with his depreciative reprimanding, grieviences just grow overwhelmingly in my heart and I simply teared and cried. It was tears of grieviences.
I didn't broke into anger.
(I gave him enough face that he and my lady boss had a guest around and yet, look at him, he didn't gave mercy in reprimanding me in front of his guest..)
I'm not angry, as I know angry would make me not to do my work well, which is very much against my general principle as I had always wanted to do a good job before I leave this company, to prove that I was never such a lousy worker. That's why I kept on delaying my resignation tender.
But my boss' attitude towards me is just real bad.
After end of his reprimanding, he ask me if I really got that true heart and passion to work with his team (more like his Kingdom) or choose to leave? Maybe he's just too good a boss for me, or even too bad a boss he is to his employee.
(If I'm the second worker leaving the same job, under the kind of same situation as my predecessor deisgner, I doubt he's a good boss at all)
Tired and tearing from grieviences, somewhat glad my ordeal is over, and he ask that good question, I said, "I wanna go".
When they left from the office, with some console from my lady boss and their guestleaving, I finally throw my resignation letter.
After that, I felt freed and relieved. I finally did it.
Thgouht I wasn't happy after that reprimadation even after I did what I wish to, I felt that I'm at peace.
I did the right thing for myself =)
Thursday, January 17, 2008
The Road is Long and Winding...
Recently I wasn't feeling well. Not only that I was physically sick coming home from office yesterday, as I had caught a flu from my colleagues with very cold air-con in office. Even now, my body is still feeling abit unwell.
But still, nearing to the months end, my work is increasing. When I thought I finsihed 80% of the whole magazine, things like to change (90% due to non-personal human factor) and then it became 50% completed only. Never seem to complete the magazine. The feeling of every issue just get worse and worse..
This coming weekend, I'm expecting a weekend burn. But I hope its only Saturday...
Not to mention I have a very bugging freelance work right now, and now I think its such a hassle, especially when I'm tired and sick these days.
And working environment just doesn't improve as well. Sometimes I'm not sure what I'm working for in short-term.
But for long term, I have only one goal. Go to Paris, France.
Though I said I should be going diving within another couple of months, I'm not sure I could do that if I'm going Hong Kong in March even though my air tickets are sponsored.
The main thing I'm worried is time that I have devote into my new work in another couple of months. Tentatively, I'm updated that my new workplace would be working temporary from home as there are problems cropping up with the location of future company. And so I'm expected to work from home.
Not only that, I'm expected to do marketing and sales for my future, which I accepted these propositions as I want to do more than design. I am young and creative now, but I'm not going to be that creative when I'm old and slow.
When sales is required, transportation becomes an aspect of the job, and most probably I might be learning driving if needed.
At least I think I'm gonna be better than my current boss who's 10 years in publishing, working only in SALES and MARKETING. Yeh, he do these aspects very well. But I find that that in MANAGING, ORGANISING and COORDINATING, he's really not putting effort to do them. Not to mention and TECHNICAL stuff wise, he still might need some books for dummies.
An ideal sales engineer is able to deliver the high quality with optimised amount of work for a production worker as he had the knowledge of undersatnding of how work is being processed from ground level into a product and a service.
I'll give two examples today of how disappointing my boss is..
Firstly, without browsing through a CD the client gave, he just simply threw me the whole damn thing and tell me to do layout. Without doing that, I could have do a design with images that are what client needed and with those images that are not suppose to be in as well. This is how he passes the job down to his junior worker. How irresponsible.
Secondly, to prevent mistakes of editorials errors, especially of those which are important to a client, I used time to create a list of specific details and contacts that we needed to check every featured brands' contacts and other important details are correct, and its to good thing to reference when we want to do double-checks of these things in our magazine to prevent and mistakes and fault
Instead, what I get from, "What a waste of time doing this thing."
Then in my mind, I asked, "So you're gonna check things randomly and when they are mistakes going through loopholes, I'll be the one who will be blame and say I am the one who didn't check properly when you're the one who has the most time to do so?"
My God, that set of words just vindicate me leaving his company. I'm glad I made the right decision. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother to do things extra. But then I realised, I did it because I needed to protect myself from these kind of injustices I had from my boss.
I put in effort and work to make things right, and all you can do is reprimand, nag, whine on me when things go wrong. Pui. You're not worthy to be a boss. You're simply a businessman.
I doubt I have time to play this weekend. I hope I can survive through and hopefully get to Chinese New Year soon, get my bonus and my pay.
Recently I wasn't feeling well. Not only that I was physically sick coming home from office yesterday, as I had caught a flu from my colleagues with very cold air-con in office. Even now, my body is still feeling abit unwell.
But still, nearing to the months end, my work is increasing. When I thought I finsihed 80% of the whole magazine, things like to change (90% due to non-personal human factor) and then it became 50% completed only. Never seem to complete the magazine. The feeling of every issue just get worse and worse..
This coming weekend, I'm expecting a weekend burn. But I hope its only Saturday...
Not to mention I have a very bugging freelance work right now, and now I think its such a hassle, especially when I'm tired and sick these days.
And working environment just doesn't improve as well. Sometimes I'm not sure what I'm working for in short-term.
But for long term, I have only one goal. Go to Paris, France.
Though I said I should be going diving within another couple of months, I'm not sure I could do that if I'm going Hong Kong in March even though my air tickets are sponsored.
The main thing I'm worried is time that I have devote into my new work in another couple of months. Tentatively, I'm updated that my new workplace would be working temporary from home as there are problems cropping up with the location of future company. And so I'm expected to work from home.
Not only that, I'm expected to do marketing and sales for my future, which I accepted these propositions as I want to do more than design. I am young and creative now, but I'm not going to be that creative when I'm old and slow.
When sales is required, transportation becomes an aspect of the job, and most probably I might be learning driving if needed.
At least I think I'm gonna be better than my current boss who's 10 years in publishing, working only in SALES and MARKETING. Yeh, he do these aspects very well. But I find that that in MANAGING, ORGANISING and COORDINATING, he's really not putting effort to do them. Not to mention and TECHNICAL stuff wise, he still might need some books for dummies.
An ideal sales engineer is able to deliver the high quality with optimised amount of work for a production worker as he had the knowledge of undersatnding of how work is being processed from ground level into a product and a service.
I'll give two examples today of how disappointing my boss is..
Firstly, without browsing through a CD the client gave, he just simply threw me the whole damn thing and tell me to do layout. Without doing that, I could have do a design with images that are what client needed and with those images that are not suppose to be in as well. This is how he passes the job down to his junior worker. How irresponsible.
Secondly, to prevent mistakes of editorials errors, especially of those which are important to a client, I used time to create a list of specific details and contacts that we needed to check every featured brands' contacts and other important details are correct, and its to good thing to reference when we want to do double-checks of these things in our magazine to prevent and mistakes and fault
Instead, what I get from, "What a waste of time doing this thing."
Then in my mind, I asked, "So you're gonna check things randomly and when they are mistakes going through loopholes, I'll be the one who will be blame and say I am the one who didn't check properly when you're the one who has the most time to do so?"
My God, that set of words just vindicate me leaving his company. I'm glad I made the right decision. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother to do things extra. But then I realised, I did it because I needed to protect myself from these kind of injustices I had from my boss.
I put in effort and work to make things right, and all you can do is reprimand, nag, whine on me when things go wrong. Pui. You're not worthy to be a boss. You're simply a businessman.
I doubt I have time to play this weekend. I hope I can survive through and hopefully get to Chinese New Year soon, get my bonus and my pay.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I'm so unmotivated these days, that even my freelance project I'm stalling.
I totally have nothing to look forward to at work these days. Just do and finish them, and hope they don't get rejected, especially those I put my heart to work on.
Everyday, day in, day out, just looking for for lunch, looking forward to the end of the day.
Having lunch with kakis and chatting online with Ryl Ryl with all the nonsense are the best times.
Other than that, its like crawling under the hot sun in a desert...
Its not like I'm not having fun, its like I'm totally not enjoying my work. Though in my heart I do them professionally slowly, steady without rushing them, didn't anyhow do. I think passion isn't there and its not fun without it.
I don't know where I'm going, I don't know where to go. I just feel so tired walking alone in thie desert.
I'm so unmotivated these days, that even my freelance project I'm stalling.
I totally have nothing to look forward to at work these days. Just do and finish them, and hope they don't get rejected, especially those I put my heart to work on.
Everyday, day in, day out, just looking for for lunch, looking forward to the end of the day.
Having lunch with kakis and chatting online with Ryl Ryl with all the nonsense are the best times.
Other than that, its like crawling under the hot sun in a desert...
Its not like I'm not having fun, its like I'm totally not enjoying my work. Though in my heart I do them professionally slowly, steady without rushing them, didn't anyhow do. I think passion isn't there and its not fun without it.
I don't know where I'm going, I don't know where to go. I just feel so tired walking alone in thie desert.
Got "Hit" by God.
Saw this from Shian's blog.
"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love."
1 John 4:18
Cool. Makes sense.
And well wishes for June and Sheryl. Both of them are sick, and hope they get well soon and be lively again. Especially June, she's in a bad shape, not round like a ball liao, got dent here and there.
Saw this from Shian's blog.
"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love."
1 John 4:18
Cool. Makes sense.
And well wishes for June and Sheryl. Both of them are sick, and hope they get well soon and be lively again. Especially June, she's in a bad shape, not round like a ball liao, got dent here and there.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Great Saturday, Working Sunday
Another weekend coming to an end again. This weekend, I'm having a mix feeling about it. I am working on my freelance job today, nothing much except working my ass off.
But for my Saturday, it was really, really great!
I went with windsurfing with Zane again, and I had a great session. Though the wind died most of the times, it was good enough to sail and surf anywhere I wanna go and at my will. I'm getting better at this sport!
Zane didn't had a really good session though. She windsurfed out couldn't get back because the wind was blowing her away from the beach, and more often the wind is just to weak or simply died. I was thinking of getting her her rescue boat, but I decided to go and find her by hand paddling my board to her all the way from the beach. She was on her way back by hand paddling too but it was just too tiring a thing to do.
Then I paddled with her back to the beach halfway where she got picked up by the rescue boat by her coaches who taught her wind surfing.
For me I paddled all the way back on my own as the boat couldn't pick anymore people. Anyway, I'm man enough to paddle back my own.
I must be nuts. Think I paddled almost a kilometre out to the sea and back to the beach. Luckily, there's no aches for my arms, surprisingly.
After the windsurf, Zane and I went to Suntec's Food Republic for lunch again. I ordered plenty of food as I was really hungry. But for Zane, she was dieting and the lunch was her really first whole meal for two days. Good for her that she's making the way she wanted to be. Hope she take care of her health too.
After lunch, we walked all the way to Bugis where I had my haircut at Bugis Junctions' Jean Yip Hair Salon. I decided to give up finding a cheaper salon and just for that salon anyway. After that, we went for shopping at Bugis Street again. And as usuaul, its never boring shopping with Zane as I could advise on her wear. Seeing her happy makes me happy too.
But too bad, she didn't got her special dress with weavings. Too bad she says it might not fit her, if not I would go buy it for her even though she didn't buy it as she thought that the price was a bit steep. But seeing her dilemmatic to want it, just make me want to buy it for her.
Anyway, after shopping, I ate my dinner at Toast Box and then after, we walked to Selegie Road when we had the famous Rochor Tao Huay You Cha Gui as recommended by Zane. And it was very nice.
Kind Zane even bought some for her friends and family.
Should have tao bao more for my own too :p
Another weekend coming to an end again. This weekend, I'm having a mix feeling about it. I am working on my freelance job today, nothing much except working my ass off.
But for my Saturday, it was really, really great!
I went with windsurfing with Zane again, and I had a great session. Though the wind died most of the times, it was good enough to sail and surf anywhere I wanna go and at my will. I'm getting better at this sport!
Zane didn't had a really good session though. She windsurfed out couldn't get back because the wind was blowing her away from the beach, and more often the wind is just to weak or simply died. I was thinking of getting her her rescue boat, but I decided to go and find her by hand paddling my board to her all the way from the beach. She was on her way back by hand paddling too but it was just too tiring a thing to do.
Then I paddled with her back to the beach halfway where she got picked up by the rescue boat by her coaches who taught her wind surfing.
For me I paddled all the way back on my own as the boat couldn't pick anymore people. Anyway, I'm man enough to paddle back my own.
I must be nuts. Think I paddled almost a kilometre out to the sea and back to the beach. Luckily, there's no aches for my arms, surprisingly.
After the windsurf, Zane and I went to Suntec's Food Republic for lunch again. I ordered plenty of food as I was really hungry. But for Zane, she was dieting and the lunch was her really first whole meal for two days. Good for her that she's making the way she wanted to be. Hope she take care of her health too.
After lunch, we walked all the way to Bugis where I had my haircut at Bugis Junctions' Jean Yip Hair Salon. I decided to give up finding a cheaper salon and just for that salon anyway. After that, we went for shopping at Bugis Street again. And as usuaul, its never boring shopping with Zane as I could advise on her wear. Seeing her happy makes me happy too.
But too bad, she didn't got her special dress with weavings. Too bad she says it might not fit her, if not I would go buy it for her even though she didn't buy it as she thought that the price was a bit steep. But seeing her dilemmatic to want it, just make me want to buy it for her.
Anyway, after shopping, I ate my dinner at Toast Box and then after, we walked to Selegie Road when we had the famous Rochor Tao Huay You Cha Gui as recommended by Zane. And it was very nice.
Kind Zane even bought some for her friends and family.
Should have tao bao more for my own too :p
Saturday, January 12, 2008
My Birthday Wishes
These are my next coming birthday wishes, hope you all can help fulfill them:
1) Gen says she wanted a LV item for her birthday. If that that is going to happen for her for giving or co-sharing something like that to give her, I think I would want something luxury branded too (so I don't "lugi", kekeke). But don't be surprised if I'm gonna sell it for cash. Lol.
2) One of the things I certainly need right now is a new handphone. My cranky handphone seems to recover from its period of weird dysfuction and is working well... for now. But I guess I'll have to change it soon. Just get me any latest new multimedia handphone will do.
3) Currently, I do not have an MP3 player. Normally I listen music via my handphone but my handfree earphones are spoiled already. So currently, I'm listening to music on one ear phone. That's why I maybe half-deaf and unbalance these days. Not to mention its not jog-friendly to use when I wanna go for my run or jogging =(
If you all can get something that can combine 2) and 3), it'll be good.
4) If you don't want to get anything of those I mentioned above and can't think of any birthday gifts to give me, I suggest you just give ang pow. I'm saving up for overseas trips like France.
So, that's really all I need for my realistic birthday wishes. For a non-realistic one, I rather get a genie who listen to my wishes.
Thanks in advance! =D Lol
These are my next coming birthday wishes, hope you all can help fulfill them:
1) Gen says she wanted a LV item for her birthday. If that that is going to happen for her for giving or co-sharing something like that to give her, I think I would want something luxury branded too (so I don't "lugi", kekeke). But don't be surprised if I'm gonna sell it for cash. Lol.
2) One of the things I certainly need right now is a new handphone. My cranky handphone seems to recover from its period of weird dysfuction and is working well... for now. But I guess I'll have to change it soon. Just get me any latest new multimedia handphone will do.
3) Currently, I do not have an MP3 player. Normally I listen music via my handphone but my handfree earphones are spoiled already. So currently, I'm listening to music on one ear phone. That's why I maybe half-deaf and unbalance these days. Not to mention its not jog-friendly to use when I wanna go for my run or jogging =(
If you all can get something that can combine 2) and 3), it'll be good.
4) If you don't want to get anything of those I mentioned above and can't think of any birthday gifts to give me, I suggest you just give ang pow. I'm saving up for overseas trips like France.
So, that's really all I need for my realistic birthday wishes. For a non-realistic one, I rather get a genie who listen to my wishes.
Thanks in advance! =D Lol
Thursday, January 10, 2008
By 迷路兵
深夜里 无法习惯没有你
不愿你 再走下去
这距离 痛得我不能呼吸
难忘记 你的失去
多少眼泪 都无所谓
我闭上眼睛 不能入睡
只希望你 给我一些安慰
这些眼泪 我无所谓
真心的对待 最珍贵
我回头想起 爱情的甜美
深夜里 无法习惯没有你
不愿你 再走下去
这距离 痛得我不能呼吸
难忘记 你的失去
多少眼泪 都无所谓
我闭上眼睛 不能入睡
只希望你 给我一些安慰
这些眼泪 我无所谓
真心的对待 最珍贵
我回头想起 爱情的甜美
牵领我进入睡梦 追随
重温过去 我们两梦中相依偎
虽是梦幻 愿沉醉
多少眼泪 都无所谓
我闭上眼睛 不能入睡
这些眼泪 我无所谓
真心的对待 最珍贵
我回头想起 爱情的甜美
Ever since I hear Alvin singing at the KTV last session, been lovin' this cool song, try to pick up this song and practise singing on it! I love rock song! Yeh!
By 迷路兵
深夜里 无法习惯没有你
不愿你 再走下去
这距离 痛得我不能呼吸
难忘记 你的失去
多少眼泪 都无所谓
我闭上眼睛 不能入睡
只希望你 给我一些安慰
这些眼泪 我无所谓
真心的对待 最珍贵
我回头想起 爱情的甜美
深夜里 无法习惯没有你
不愿你 再走下去
这距离 痛得我不能呼吸
难忘记 你的失去
多少眼泪 都无所谓
我闭上眼睛 不能入睡
只希望你 给我一些安慰
这些眼泪 我无所谓
真心的对待 最珍贵
我回头想起 爱情的甜美
牵领我进入睡梦 追随
重温过去 我们两梦中相依偎
虽是梦幻 愿沉醉
多少眼泪 都无所谓
我闭上眼睛 不能入睡
这些眼泪 我无所谓
真心的对待 最珍贵
我回头想起 爱情的甜美
Ever since I hear Alvin singing at the KTV last session, been lovin' this cool song, try to pick up this song and practise singing on it! I love rock song! Yeh!
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Dinner @ Jerry's!

Yesterday, Foodies' Club held its first outing for the year 2008, dinner at Jerry's at Club Street. Many newbies turn up (I'm not newbie, I'm somewhere "in-between").
The people, the food and the atmosphere was great. Got to talk to a few new people I knew, get to know about the different lifestyles people lead nowadays, from bumming to the extravagant travelling.
For the food, I had a clam choder soup for starters, and it was great, the texture is just nice and the quantity is big and nice for a fan of it. My main dish a Veal Sausage with Whipped Potato. It was lovely too, and adding its famous spicy sauce, its even greater!
After the dinner, most of the regulars went to Adria's place at Tras Street just a walk down, Wine Affaire where most of them had win again. For me, I didn't drink as I caught a cold.
Jason gave us a ride home for the Westies (those living in the west side of Singapore). The moment I reach my bed, I just concussed as I'm dead sick and tired.
Yesterday, Foodies' Club held its first outing for the year 2008, dinner at Jerry's at Club Street. Many newbies turn up (I'm not newbie, I'm somewhere "in-between").
The people, the food and the atmosphere was great. Got to talk to a few new people I knew, get to know about the different lifestyles people lead nowadays, from bumming to the extravagant travelling.
For the food, I had a clam choder soup for starters, and it was great, the texture is just nice and the quantity is big and nice for a fan of it. My main dish a Veal Sausage with Whipped Potato. It was lovely too, and adding its famous spicy sauce, its even greater!
After the dinner, most of the regulars went to Adria's place at Tras Street just a walk down, Wine Affaire where most of them had win again. For me, I didn't drink as I caught a cold.
Jason gave us a ride home for the Westies (those living in the west side of Singapore). The moment I reach my bed, I just concussed as I'm dead sick and tired.
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Windsurf x Prata Lunch x KBox KTV!
I had a fun day today =).

Went windsurfing with Zane and her another two friends. It was really cool windsurfing session. This time, I didn't got myself stuck somewhere and couldn't get back my own. The sun, sea and the wind were all great and just nice for beginners like us to practise. I did a lot of good moves and turnings. But I don't why my board is like "drifting" like a car drift instead of going straight =P

After the windsurf, Zane and I were hungry. And so, we just went for lunch together at Suntec City, eating prata which she wanted. Ordered the paper prata for her, which is coated with honey. Something which she never try before and she's happy becos' its nice.
=) Glad we had a good meal and a good chat and catch-up, kinda miss her as she busy these days, we rarely chatted like before now.
We parted and she went to meet her friend while I go meet mine. Was suppose to have a KTV at the Chevrons club. So I went to meet up with Huiyan who's working on Saturday at her office nearby around Millenia Walk.
And so I waited and waited, till i had to head for Starbucks for some ice mocha. She's really busy, but too bad her earnings stays the same even though she worked so hard.
Last minute, I decided to ask Alvin to change singing KTV in the city area since Huiyan and I are there already and was to benefit June to come.
After dinner at Suntec's foodcourt, we all headed for KBox. Huiyan and I decided to dedicate and sing many Yanzi songs. Lol. Cos' its gonna be mostly attended by Yanzi fans =P
Although June didn't come in the end due to her work, we all enjoyed the session and sang our fill. I think Huiyan and I sang over 20 plus of Yanzi songs. She even did the dance for the Yanzi song, "Gu Chi Gu Chi"!
O.O! Alvin and I were just in a state of unbelieve..
Anyway, I got to video her dance down =P Can blackmail her.. Keke..
I had a fun day today =).
Went windsurfing with Zane and her another two friends. It was really cool windsurfing session. This time, I didn't got myself stuck somewhere and couldn't get back my own. The sun, sea and the wind were all great and just nice for beginners like us to practise. I did a lot of good moves and turnings. But I don't why my board is like "drifting" like a car drift instead of going straight =P

After the windsurf, Zane and I were hungry. And so, we just went for lunch together at Suntec City, eating prata which she wanted. Ordered the paper prata for her, which is coated with honey. Something which she never try before and she's happy becos' its nice.
=) Glad we had a good meal and a good chat and catch-up, kinda miss her as she busy these days, we rarely chatted like before now.
We parted and she went to meet her friend while I go meet mine. Was suppose to have a KTV at the Chevrons club. So I went to meet up with Huiyan who's working on Saturday at her office nearby around Millenia Walk.
And so I waited and waited, till i had to head for Starbucks for some ice mocha. She's really busy, but too bad her earnings stays the same even though she worked so hard.
Last minute, I decided to ask Alvin to change singing KTV in the city area since Huiyan and I are there already and was to benefit June to come.
After dinner at Suntec's foodcourt, we all headed for KBox. Huiyan and I decided to dedicate and sing many Yanzi songs. Lol. Cos' its gonna be mostly attended by Yanzi fans =P
Although June didn't come in the end due to her work, we all enjoyed the session and sang our fill. I think Huiyan and I sang over 20 plus of Yanzi songs. She even did the dance for the Yanzi song, "Gu Chi Gu Chi"!
O.O! Alvin and I were just in a state of unbelieve..
Anyway, I got to video her dance down =P Can blackmail her.. Keke..
Friday, January 04, 2008
How I Want To Be?
Yeap. Its late now and I'm still not asleep.
Played a new action demo game till now.. Things have be crossing my mind. I am having fun but it seems so short-lived. Its nothing but a temporary illusion in the gaming world. I'm sick of coming home doing nothing else but playing game.
In my life, I seem to be living alone. Yes, I do have a family, but I don't talk to them much about my daily going-ons and my problems. Its no big deal anyway these days, as I'm just living my life by.
But I really need someone to really encourage me to move on with my sickening life. Yes, I should be happy that I'm going to change job soon. Maybe I just need someone to talk to. Been crapping and laming too much with my friends online. So illusioned.
I need company. One-on-one company =(
OF course, I have my best friend, Elvin whom I can try to approach. But I think he always do nothing but laugh at me or simply lack of seriousness on my situation.
I miss my buddy, but I'm not sure she is too. She seem so busy at work, becos' chionging for her Australia trip on my birthday month =(
*Sigh* Totally no motivation..
I don't know what's wrong with me either.. Lack of sense of achievement and satisfaction perhaps?
Yeap. Its late now and I'm still not asleep.
Played a new action demo game till now.. Things have be crossing my mind. I am having fun but it seems so short-lived. Its nothing but a temporary illusion in the gaming world. I'm sick of coming home doing nothing else but playing game.
In my life, I seem to be living alone. Yes, I do have a family, but I don't talk to them much about my daily going-ons and my problems. Its no big deal anyway these days, as I'm just living my life by.
But I really need someone to really encourage me to move on with my sickening life. Yes, I should be happy that I'm going to change job soon. Maybe I just need someone to talk to. Been crapping and laming too much with my friends online. So illusioned.
I need company. One-on-one company =(
OF course, I have my best friend, Elvin whom I can try to approach. But I think he always do nothing but laugh at me or simply lack of seriousness on my situation.
I miss my buddy, but I'm not sure she is too. She seem so busy at work, becos' chionging for her Australia trip on my birthday month =(
*Sigh* Totally no motivation..
I don't know what's wrong with me either.. Lack of sense of achievement and satisfaction perhaps?