
Monday, June 08, 2009

Climate Change: Is Anyone Thinking About It?

Today is the World Ocean Day. Sometimes, kind to think of it, apart from the environmental activists, animal activists, scientist and certain politicians, what are the rest of the human world thinking?

Does Green habits really going to help Earth? Does taking mass transit help? Do you flush only after peeing 3 times?

Well being Gaia friendly seems to be the trend now but I doubt the trend will get any bigger when the whole human race has its individual thinking how to survive. But survive from what may I ask?

It seems that as much as intelligence we have, as the leading most populated species on Earth, we simply have no idea what is the great existence we are here for.

There is simply a greater wisdom we need to seek, and perhaps to reflect now and then.

Now, time for the GSS. Buy and throw old stuff away~

Saturday, June 06, 2009

My New Pet

Introducing, Yume, my latest pet Syrian hammy.

Got him today with BB after window shopping. I first noticed him when I was window shopping with buddy just after our windsurfing. I find him unique in his fur colour, which is milk white and he got red eyes.

I named him Yume because when I got him home he layed in the box as if he's dead, because even when I flipped him over, he still doesn't wake up. I even immediately gave him some water, which he drank and he still sleep while drinking it!

For a moment I thought he was dying of thrist or hunger. But I guess he was really sleeping far too soundly, possibly dreaming.

So I just name him Yume (pronounced as "yu-meh"), meaning "dream" in Japanese Hiragana.